4 Tools For Metamorphosis

Mind Tasting
4 min readJul 12, 2022


Life is a series of metamorphoses. Cycles of becoming and unbecoming. From what I’ve experienced, the cycle goes something like this:

  • uncovering the old pattern + identity
  • unlearning the old pattern + identity
  • discovering the new pattern + identity
  • embodying the new pattern + identity

These are the tools I have found to be most effective in each of the phases.

  • Shadow Awareness
  • Somatic Release
  • Intuitive Expression
  • Aligned Action

Shadow Awareness

This tool is effective for:

  • uncovering old patterns
  • identifying limiting beliefs
  • acknowledging your inner child

The shadow is a part of the human psyche. The pieces of an individual’s personality that are rejected, repressed, or unrecognized.

Shadow Awareness is the practice of using your triggers as mirrors — allowing emotional experiences to reveal hidden parts of yourself. Here are some helpful questions to ask during any emotionally challenging experience.

  • What emotion am I feeling? When was the FIRST time I felt this way?
  • What belief about myself is this emotion based on?
  • How can I more fully accept and embrace this part of myself?

The more you bring awareness to your shadow, the more fully you can accept yourself. From a place of acceptance, you are able to recognize which parts are ready to be released and which are ready to be integrated.

Somatic Release

This tool is effective for:

  • unlearning old patterns
  • releasing stress and trauma
  • regulating the nervous system

When we experience stress, there is an associated internal physiological response, which can manifest as tension, contraction, emotion, pain, or inflammation. In a society that teaches us it is not appropriate to express all of our emotional and physical urges, many of us suppress our natural stress response.

If this stress is chronically repressed and not released, it gets stored in the cells of the body and nervous system. Over time, this can provoke dysfunction in your physical, mental, and emotional well being.

Somatic Release is a tool to resolve and discharge the stress that is stuck in your body. Some examples of Somatic Release are breathwork, crying, screaming, intuitive movement, massage, martial arts, and acupuncture.

Intuitive Expression

This tool is effective for:

  • discovering passion and joy
  • reconnecting with inner guidance
  • rebuilding self trust

In childhood, if you were excessively told what to do, or not given opportunities to trust your own intuitive drive, you may have a distrust in your own intuition.

Intuitive Expression allows you to let go of what you’re “supposed” to do, and instead explore and experiment intuitively. As you rebuild trust in your intuition, you reconnect with your own source of guidance and wisdom.

Intuitive Expression can come in many forms: art (dance, music, design), play (sports, gaming), or even travel. Express your truth, in whatever way feels right for you.

Aligned Action

This tool is effective for:

  • embodying a new pattern
  • magnetizing opportunities
  • honoring desires

The life you are creating is a reflection of who you are being. For this reason, directing your time and energy towards actions that are aligned with your values is necessary for creating the life you desire.

When you truly know that Aligned Action is what develops into your life, you are motivated to engage in theses actions even if they first feel unfamiliar and uncomfortable.

Get clear on what is aligned with the person you are becoming, and then take action. Utilize the space and energy that has been opened from the previous tools to generate tangible results.

Shadow Awareness, Somatic Release, Intuitive Expression, & Aligned Action: the utilization of these four tools is cyclical, not linear. And so, you will go back and forth between the tools; this implies progression, not regression.

Similarly, you will utilize multiple tools at once. Shadow Awareness might be most effective for your family relationships, while Intuitive Expression is effective for your creative work. The effective tool will depend on where in the cycle you are, for that specific area of your life.

With that said, I chose to put action last in the cycle for a reason. I have noticed it is common in the self development journey that people skip too quickly to action, without first developing the tools of awareness, release, and expression.

The 4 Tools For Metamorphosis are connected and work together. Shadow Awareness reveals what must be released. Somatic Release creates space for a new pattern to express. Intuitive Expression reveals what is aligned with our passion and true nature. Aligned Action establishes the new pattern, which will have new shadow aspects.

And the cycle repeats.

I will go deeper into the nature of the cycle in an upcoming blog post. For now, thank you immensely for your time and energy here. I hope this inspires movement in your process of metamorphosis.

With gratitude,

Kuya Ky

If you found value in my perspective or want to follow my journey more closely, I also make TikTok videos @kyrotechnics.



Mind Tasting
Mind Tasting

Written by Mind Tasting

tasting the flavors of the human experience. written by @kyrotechnics

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