The most impactful events of this world
are hidden deep under the surface
in the silence of the darkness
while we smugly sleep
Awaken to the crimes of the government
Awaken to the propaganda of the media
Awaken to the miseducation of the school system
Awaken to the poison of the food industry
Awaken to the malpractice of the medical industry
Awaken to the fairy tales of the entertainment industry
We are fed lies to keep us silent & submissive
We are fed lies to keep us fat & feeble
We are fed lies to keep us cowardly & complaisant
Ignorance is bliss
Ignorance is not an excuse
Ignorance is a choice
We choose what we consume
We choose what we believe
We choose how we spend our money
We choose how we spend our time
Choose wisely
Choose consciously
Choose purposefully
Thank you for giving my words your time and attention.
This is a Episode 1 of a my new series #OneWordLifeAdvice.