Google defines the word carve:
cut (a hard material) in order to produce an aesthetically pleasing object or design.
Aesthetic encapsulates the energy you exude
in your mood
in your tone
in your vibe
What is the aesthetic you want for your life?
To shape your aesthetic, start with a hard material
your life circumstance
all the pain
the trauma
the suffering
from your past
This is the perfect starting block
to carve an aesthetically pleasing human
Now, you must carve
Carve out the behaviors that no longer serve you
Carve out the bad habits
Carve out the addictions
Carve out the self sabotage
Carve out the self doubt
Carve out the self harm
Carve out the self hate
Carve out the limiting beliefs
Carve out the blame
Carve out the anger
Carve out the fear
Carve with intention
Carve with purpose
Carve with focus
Carve with a smile
Carve the life you want for yourself
the more you carve
the more your design emerges
your uniquely beautiful design
of an aesthetically pleasing human life
Thank you for giving my words your time and attention.
My intention with this writing project, #OneWordLifeAdvice,
is not to tell people how to live.
I am simply sharing the advice I give to myself, in the hopes that
like-minded readers might find value in the lessons life is teaching me.
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