Your Relationships
Toxicity manifests in different ways
Each type of toxicity requires
a different type of detoxification
Before detoxifying
take a deep breath
Do not lower yourself to their level of consciousness
Remind yourself their toxicity is a result of their pain
their ego manifesting & controlling their behavior
Do not allow their toxicity
to poison your behavior
Be compassionate & kind
But also assertive & clear
Your detoxification must be
honest & just & swift & strong
Sometimes he is intentionally toxic
If he purposefully brings you down
attacks you, berates you, sabotages you
he has no place in your life
Sometimes she is unaware she is toxic
Explain to her how her behavior is toxic
and how she might improve her behavior
If she is still unwilling to change
then what was once unintentional
is now intentional
She has no place in your life
Sometimes he tries to change
If he has acknowledged his toxicity
And has made attempts to change
Old habits die hard
Change requires time
Do not obsess over his growth
Do not monitor her changes
Remove yourself & allow him to grow on his own
while you continue to grow on your own
Her growth is not your responsibility
Your growth is your responsibility
Your environment is your responsibility
Your energy is your responsibility
Do not sacrifice your growth for the growth of others
That will only result in resentment & regret
In healthy relationships
people grow together
Thank you for giving my words your time and attention.
I do realize I switched pronouns half way through. I initially was using all
“they” & “them” & “their”, but found that singular pronouns fit better in the second part. And I started switching between male and female pronouns because toxicity is clearly not gender specific. Plus switching back and forth made it a little more fun to write. And I’m the poet so I get to choose the words I want! Ha!
Ok I’m rambling now so thank you again for reading.
If you want to check out my previous work, it’s linked up below.
I have two projects going right now:
The Mind Tasting Menu of Superpowers
Freddie Mercury — Songwriting
Wim Hof — Interoceptive Focus
Nikola Tesla — Visualization