The Power of Presence

The Timeless Teaching of Eckhart Tolle

Mind Tasting
4 min readJul 3, 2019
Photo by Mikesh Kaos on Unsplash

There is no past or future.

Only the now
the present moment.

The past is a memory in the mind

a memory that is remembered
in the present moment.

The future is an imagination of the mind

an imagined reality that comes
as the present moment.

Past and future are concepts created by the mind
to help us make sense of what has happened

and what might happen.

Photo by Curtis MacNewton on Unsplash

The truth is

life is experienced in the
eternal present moment.

The Now

So why not honor and appreciate the Now?
Why not give it our full focused attention?

To place focus on the Now
is to cultivate presence in our lives.

In presence
we live fully.

We are in tune with reality
not the creations of the mind.

In presence
we are free to choose the life we create.

Instead of being a slave to the conditioning of the past.
Instead of being a slave to the worries of the future.

All problems exist in
past and future.

In presence,
there are no problems.

In presence
there are only situations.

Situations to be accepted
or handled accordingly.

And therein lies the
power of presence.

In presence
our actions arise intuitively.

Thinking is unnecessary.
Worrying is unnecessary.

In presence
we surrender to our intuition.

The wisdom of intuition is
more intelligent than thinking.

In presence
there is inner peace.

We no longer resist the life we are creating.
We connect with everything we experience.

In presence
our actions produce joy and gratitude.

Our work is of high quality and
contributes to our purpose.

Others can feel the potency of our vibration.
Our relationships flourish and thrive.

We attract healthy interaction.

In presence
we feel our essence as one with our experience.

One with the timeless and limitless.
Eternity and infinity.

In presence
we transcend.

We align with
the Universe.

This is the Power of Presence.

Photo by Simon Rae on Unsplash

The Portal to Presence

How do I cultivate presence in my life?

Awareness of the present moment
is the portal to Presence.

The Now.

Simply experience the present moment with your senses.
What colors and shapes do you see? What do you hear?

Don’t answer these questions with labels.
That’s the conditioned mind creeping in.

Simply observe.
Simply listen.

Experience life.

Listen for the silence underneath the sounds.
Listen for the silence in between the sounds.

Can you feel your inner energy field?
The aliveness in every cell of your body?

What emotions exist in your consciousness right now?
Can you feel these emotions without judging yourself?

Can you drop the mental story
that surrounds your situation?

Can you accept and embrace this moment?
Can you let go of the desire to change this moment?

Can you place all your focus
attention on the here and now?

To practice this in every moment,
is to cultivate presence in your life.

The Teachings of Eckhart Tolle.

Over the past few months I have read both of Eckhart’s books, The Power of Now and A New Earth. I have watched hours and hours of his videos on YouTube. Eckhart’s core teaching is that presence is the gateway to spiritual enlightenment. Presence is Eckhart’s superpower.


The words awakening or enlightenment are too strong to use in my case,
but I do feel his teachings have illuminated my experience of life.

My goal with this piece of writing is to trigger similar insights into your own experience. If you want to learn more from Eckhart, check out his YouTube channel. Down below are some of my favorite videos and quotes.

Thank you for giving my words your time and attention.
To read and learn the previous superpowers I’ve “Mind Tasted”, click here:

Musical Expression — Freddie Mercury
Interoceptive Focus — Wim Hof
Conceptual Visualization — Nikola Tesla

“I see the mind or the brain as something through which the non local consciousness that pervades the entire universe assumes a particular form. So the brain or the mind is an instrument for consciousness to move thru into this dimension, a focal point for consciousness.”

Eckhart clarifies how to accept the present moment

“Words reduce reality to something the human mind can grasp, which isn’t very much.”

Eckhart explains how relationships are spiritual practice

“Every addiction arises from an unconscious refusal to face and move through your own pain. Every addiction starts with pain and ends with pain. Whatever the substance you are addicted to — alcohol, food, legal or illegal drugs, or a person — you are using something or somebody to cover up your pain.”



Mind Tasting
Mind Tasting

Written by Mind Tasting

tasting the flavors of the human experience. written by @kyrotechnics

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